Saturday 23 May 2015

Get off to a Great Start with the Power of a Great Breakfast!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day since you are breaking your 8-10 hours of fast/gap after the night meal on the previous day i.e dinner and also very important from the nutritional point of view.

It is said to be adequate if it contains the main food groups namely; energy giving, body building and protective foods and provides approximately one-third of the day's recommended dietary allowance.
It will boost the energy level and help to maintain the energy level of the person throughout the day and prevent physical and mental fatigue.
Skipping breakfast or eating inadequate breakfast in quantity or quality can increase the risk of undernourishment on the one hand and on the other hand, may lead a person to overeat later in the day.

Some of the reasons for persons consuming inadequate breakfast include :-
-Lack of knowledge about its importance
-lack of time to prepare breakfast
-lack of appetite in the morning

Breakfast intake was found to enhance cognitive performance among elementary school children. Boys and girls both showed enhanced spatial memory and girls showed improvement in short-term memory after consuming oatmeal. Oatmeal provides a slower and more sustained energy source, which improved the cognitive performance.

Breakfast food preparations:
Plain paratha, stuffed paratha, chapati, bhakri or rotla, porridge/dalia (salted, with vegetables, milk), lapsi, idli/dosa, dhokla, muthia, upma, uttapam, poha, cheela/pudla, thepla, vermicelli (with vegetables, milk) bread, sandwiches.

Beverages : Milk plain, tea/coffee/fruit juice/ lassi
Accompaniments : Raw fruits or chutneys
For non-vegetarians : Egg preparations may be used.

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