Tuesday, 31 March 2015

10 Guidelines for Preventing Obesity

"Exercise to stay fit, not Skinny.
And Eat to Nourish your Body."

  • Obesity can be prevented or treated by moderating food and energy intake as well as increasing physical activity.
  • In essence, this entails training for behavioral modification with an objective of increasing physical activity and moderating energy intake from nutrient rich food sources.
  • This type of training should be continued for 6-12 months at least to bring about positive changes in the attitude towards healthy eating and daily activities. 

Some of the key messages for preventing obesity are :-

Consume Well Balanced Diet and drink plenty of water and ensure adequate intake of micro nutrients and proteins.

Include Wholegrain foods, fresh fruit & vegetables for fiber, which provide fullness and limit excessive eating. 

Restrict Consumption of junk & processed food. These are often rich in sugars, salt and refined flours, soda etc which may increase water retention in body and lead to overeating.

Avoid eating Sweet, oily and salty foods at night.

Instead of whole milk and curd, use skim milk and buttermilk.

Regular Vigorous exercise for 30-40 mins is essential for weight loss.
Practice some ways to destress like yoga, music, dance, sports or involvement in creative hobby.
Join a group with similar weight loss regimen, it motivates and helps to maintain the routine.

Sleeping during the daytime should be avoided at all costs.

Follow Maintenance Diet after desired weight loss, otherwise there may be yo-yo effect and weight may rebound. 

People with any problems like diabetes, high blood pressure or heart attack, should undertake any weight loss program under medical supervision.

Avoid Over Enthusiasm while Losing Weight. Have Patience. 

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

8 Eating Habits which may lead to OBESITY!

One in every two adults in the united states is overweight and the prevalence of obesity is increasing all over the world.  Obesity is due to positive energy balance, the intake of calories is more than the expenditure of energy. Obesity invites disability, disease and premature death. 

We will understand some Common Causes of Obesity and Ways to Deal with it.

Nibbling between Meals is common and is a potential cause for obesity.

Neurotransmitters or chemicals in the brain that respond to outside stimuli such as sight, taste, smell & temperature transmit signals to other areas of the brain and body. Obese respond to external cues to eat rather than internal hunger signals. They eat when it is mealtime or when they are surrounded by tasty foods instead when they are hungry.

People who like to eat processed, concentrated & high fat food are susceptible to obesity.

Consumption of Sugar added beverages may contribute to weight gain.

People who eat more junk food (high fat, high calorie) may become obese.

People who eat outside home more frequently are prone to obesity. Large portions of food served outside the home promote high calorie consumption.

Some may eat more food when they are unhappy as a compensation mechanism.  

Non-inclusion of fruits & vegetables and more of non-vegetarian diet favors weight gain.

  • All these habits combined together for prolonged period of time, can cause serious health issues. 
So What do we do?
Always remember,
Where there is a will, there is a way! :)

Some Quick Tips:-

  • Make your eating schedule like you make your work schedule. Eat on Time!
  • Kick-start your every day with a good healthy and balanced breakfast. Remember you are breaking your 8 hours fast. So skipping it will mess up your entire day's diet.
  • If you have junk food cravings, or you travel a lot or stay outside for longer time, carry your own food rather than binging on outside junk food. Plan your day's diet in advance so you know what to carry and all the preparations required.
  • If you stay home, prepare healthy snacks rather than consuming junk & processed items.
  • Replace your high calorie beverages with healthy fresh fruits juices/ice tea/green tea/lemon water/coconut water/etc.
  • Include a lot of vegetables and fruits in your diet. Increasing fibre of your diet will help you lose weight. 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables should be consumed everyday.
  • Exercise and let out all your negative emotions. Exercise not only burns your extra fat but also makes you feel refreshed & energized. A daily dose of 30 mins brisk walking is a great way for physical exercise.
  • Lastly, Be happy!
    Stress is considered to be one of the leading causes of various diseases.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Pregnancy & Nutrition - Eating for Two, not Like Two.

"The life of a mother is the life of a child : You are Two Blossoms on a Single Branch."

  • Nutrition plays a very significant role throughout life for growth, development and maintenance of good health and quality of life during all the life stages.   
  • Adequate Nutrition before and during pregnancy has greater potential for a long-term health impact than it does at any other time.
  • A Woman who has been well nourished before conception begins her pregnancy with reserves of several nutrients so that the needs of the growing foetus can be met without affecting her health. 
  • Infants who are well nourished in the womb have an enhanced chance of entering life in good physical and mental health. 
  • Mother's diet should produce adequate nutrients so that maternal stores do not get depleted and produce sufficient milk to nourish her child after birth. 


Weight Gain in different trimesters in pregnancy :-

1st trimester : 10% of total gain, 0.6-1.0 kg actual gain

2nd trimester : 30% of total gain, 3.0-3.5 kg actual gain

3rd trimester - 60% of total gain, 6.0-8.0 kg actual gain

Gestational Weight Gain is influenced by environmental factors such as food intake, level of exercise, energy balance and medical condition (if any).
If the mother is thin and undernourished, she may need to gain more than 12 kg gain recommended for well-nourished mothers; whereas mothers who are overweight with a BMI of  >25-29.9 may gain weight upto 7-11.5 kg and those with a BMI of  >30 need to gain around 5-9 kgs.


  • Adequate amount of calories should be taken so that enough fat is deposited during pregnancy which is also required for lactation.
  • The ICMR recommends an intake of additional 350 calories per day to support the growth of fetus, placenta and associated maternal tissues as well as fulfill the increased metabolic demands of the pregnancy. Mostly there is increased requirements in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
  • Small and frequent feedings should be taken. Fasting or missing meal should be avoided.
  • Weight reduction regimens are not recommended because of the effect of ketosis on the foetus.

Protein :

  • For growth & development of the fetus and good health of the mother, adequate protein should be taken.
  • Consumption of eggs and other non-vegetarian foods like chicken, fish help in meeting increased protein requirements.
  • For vegetarians, look for veg sources of protein rich foods like cereal-pulse combinations,  milk and milk products, nuts & oil-seeds.


  • Essential fatty acids relax muscles and blood vessels of the uterus and makes delivery easier.
  • Omega-3 fatty acid help build baby's brain and hence fish, handful of walnuts, soyabeans & green leafy vegetables should be included in the diet.
  • Corn, cottonseed, safflower and soyabean oils are good sources of Omega-6 fatty acid.

Fiber :

  • More fiber should be included in the diet to prevent constipation which is a common problem during pregnancy.
  • 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables should be included in the daily diet.

Calcium :

  • Diet should be rich in calcium to prevent osteomalacia.
  • Vitamin D & calcium reduces muscular cramps of pregnancy.
  • Dairy products are a primary source of calcium, Green leafy vegetables and gingelly seeds also contribute to calcium.
  • A minimum of 3 glasses of milk should be taken.
  • Calcium supplements may also be taken.

Iron :

  • Iron rich foods should be taken to prevent anemia and to buildup iron stores in the foetal body.
  • The actual increase in requirement of iron is only in 2nd and 3rd trimester.
  • But a single large dose of iron at the beginning of pregnancy is an effective way of building up iron stores and to protect against depletion of reserves.
  •  Haeme iron ( non-vegetarian sources) is better absorbed.
  • Inclusion of liver, meat, dried fruits, green leafy vegetables, eggs, enriched cereals like wheat, ragi, jowar, and bajra and iron fortified salt provide additional sources of iron.
  • Iron supplements may also be taken.

Folic Acid :

  • Folic acid is needed for the synthesis of essential components of DNA and RNA which increase rapidly during growth  thereby increasing the requirements.
  • Also folic acid is essential for the development of RBC's which must increase as the mother's blood volume increases.
  • Foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, oranges, soya, wheat germ, almonds, and peanuts contain folic acid.
  • In addition, women planning pregnancy, should begin preconceptional supplementation with folic acid at levels up to 400 to 800 mcg per day.
  • It is difficult to provide 300 mcg of additional folic acid during pregnancy through diet and hence supplementation becomes very important.

Sodium & Iodine :

  • Diet should contain optimum amount of sodium. In case of edema or hypertension, sodium is restricted.
  • There are increased requirements of iodine as well, so consumption of iodized salt is recommended.

Vitamin C :

  • Raw veggies and fruits like amla, guava, oranges, lemons, etc are to be included in the diet to meet Vitamin C requirements, since it helps in the rapid absorption of Iron.

Fluids :

  • Plenty of water should be taken to keep the bowels regular.
  • At least 8-10 glasses of water besides the other sources of fluid.
  • It has also been found that infection of the tube connecting the kidney and bladder is less common among pregnant women who drink a lot of water.
  • Fluids should be taken in between meals rather than along with meals.
  • Too much of coffee or tea should be restricted. It should be limited to 2 cups in a day.

Other guidelines :

  • Reduce intake of sugar and refined foods.
  • Avoid skipping meals
  • Avoid processed foods and consume freshly prepared foods
  • Sedentary women should do regular exercise like walking. Before undertaking heavy exercises in a gym, the mother should consult her obstetrician. 

Usually a daily diet containing 3 cups of milk or its equivalent, 2 servings of meat,fish, poultry, eggs, or a source of complete protein, a dark green vegetable and a generous serving of citrus fruits will provide a foundation for a nutritionally adequate diet.

How to combat Leg Cramps,  Nausea, Vomiting and Heartburn during Pregnancy?

    Leg Cramps - The possible reasons thought to be related is a decline in serum calcium levels related to a calcium phosphorus imbalance. Prevention or relief of this has been reported with reduction of milk ( a high phosphorus, high calcium beverage) intake and supplementation with non-phosphate calcium salts. Magnesium is another mineral with potential for relieving leg cramps.

    Morning sickness of early pregnancy can be improved by : 
  • Small and frequent meals. 
  • Fairly dry and consisting chiefly of easily digested energy foods such as carbohydrates are more readily tolerated. 
  • Liquids may best be taken between meals instead of with food.
  • Skim milk is better tolerated than whole milk. 
  • Fruits and vegetables can be given. 
  • Fatty rich foods, fried foods, excessive seasoning, strongly flavored vegetables, or coffee in large amounts  may be restricted in case of nausea and gastric distress.

    Heart burn (acidity) is a common complaint during the latter part of pregnancy. In most cases, this is an effect of pressure of the enlarged uterus on the stomach which in combination with the relaxation of esophageal sphincter, results in occasional regurgitation of the stomach contents into the esophagus. This can be treated by :-
  • Limiting the amount of food taken at one time
  • Drinking fluids between meals
  • Sitting upright after meals for at least 3 hours before lying down.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Hypertension - A Symptom and Not a Disease!

Here we will understand Hypertension, its Causes, Types and Ways of Controlling and Preventing it. 

The WHO has estimated (2003) that high blood pressure causes one in every 8 deaths world wide, making hypertension the third leading killer in the world.  

Every individual has blood pressure which is necessary to move blood through arteries and to provide oxygen to the tissues of the body.

Hypertension is elevated blood pressure. WHO defines "hypertension in which systolic pressure exceeds 160 mm Hg and diastolic pressure exceeds 95 mm Hg". 


Cardiovascular diseases, renal diseases like glomerulonephritis, polycystic renal disease, pyelonephritis, tumors of the brain or adrenal glands, hyperthyroidism or diseases of ovaries and pituitary may cause hypertension.

Predisposing factors of hypertension are
Alcohol consumption, salt sensitivity, hormonal imbalances, unhealthy lifestyle and a person's dietary choices may influence hypertension risks. Nearly half of all diabetics are hypertensive. 


Mild Hypertension : Diastolic pressure is 90 to 104 mm Hg in this form. Treatment is based on weight loss , sodium restriction and behavioral techniques.

 Moderate Hypertension : Diastolic pressure is 105 to 119 mm Hg with moderate hypertension. 
Nutritional therapy is supported by drugs such as B blockers.

Severe Hypertension : Diastolic Pressure is 120 to 130 mm Hg and above. Diet therapy revolves around potassium replacement, weight management and sodium modification.


Many people with hypertension have no symptoms. Some are as follows :-
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Impaired vision
  • Failing memory
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pain over the heart
  •  Gastrointestinal disturbance
  • Unexplained tiredness 

Principles of Diet : 


 The Salt Restriction per day in hypertensives ranges from mild to moderate. 

MILD - 2-3 g of sodium

MODERATE - 1-1.5 g of sodium

SEVERE - 500-700 mg of sodium

EXTREME - 200-300 mg of sodium

(Conversion - 1 g of salt gives 400 mg of sodium)


DASH, Dietary approaches to stop hypertension, suggested diet as follows :-
  • Grains -  7-8 servings
  • Vegetables - 4-5 servings
  • Fruits - 4-5 servings
  • Milk ( Low Fat) - 2-3 servings
  • Meat (lean) - 2 or less

According to DASH the following diet may bring about a healthy reduction in blood pressure :-



  • Salt in cooking or at the table.
  • Monosodium glutamate (Ajinomoto)
  • Baking powder, sodium benzoate, sodium bicarbonate.
  • Salt preserved foods - pickles, canned foods.
  • Highly salted foods such as potato chips.
  • Spices and condiments such as ketchup and sauces,
  • Cheese, peanut butter, salted butter.
  • Frozen peas.
  • Shell fish and dry fish.
  • Prepared mixes.
  • Biscuits, cakes, breads, pastries. 

For restricting sodium less than 500 mg, low sodium vegetables should be chosen apart from the above restrictions.
Improving the palatability of sodium restricted diets is very important. So adjuncts given with the meals or in the meals improves the palatability.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


FOOD PYRAMID - A food guide to a healthier YOU!

  • The National Institute of Nutrition, India made recommendations in 2003 in the form of steps or a ladder, signifying the steps to good health.
  • This has been recently revised in 2010, with the recommendations being depicted as a pyramid with four bands. The shape of the pyramid is deliberately used to easily convey, which foods should be given more emphasis.
  • The base of the pyramid is largest and hence those foods near the base should constitute a larger portion in our diets. The tip of the pyramid is narrow and hence foods close to the pyramid should be sparingly used. 


  • Foods shown at the base - "CEREALS & PULSES" are to be included in larger amounts and form the base of a well balanced diet - "EAT ADEQUATELY". This provides the maximum amount nutrients like energy, proteins, certain vitamins, minerals and fiber required in the diet.

  • Foods shown in the second band - "VEGETABLES & FRUITS" indicate "EAT LIBERALLY" as they are good sources of fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, which are essential for good health but low in fat.

  • Foods represented in the third band are protein rich foods which include - "NON-VEG & DAIRY PRODUCTS". They should be "EATEN MODERATELY". Vegetarians can select pulses and non-vegetarians can choose egg, meat,fish. Besides protein, non-vegetarian foods are rich in iron, cholesterol and different kinds of fatty acids. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and consumption of fish 2-3 times a week is healthy.

  • Foods shown at the top indicate "USE SPARINGLY". Narrow size of this band clearly indicates the importance of caution in food selection and the amount of food consumption. This group includes fats, oils, sugars and sweets as well as processed foods, ready to eat snacks, etc. 

Special highlights of the pyramid is the bottom most, and the most important aspect of health and well-being - "DAILY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY". The benefits of exercise are :-

  1. Helps a person spend energy consumed and therefore maintain body weight. 
  2. Helps to prevent and manage diseases like hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and even in certain types of cancers. 
  3. Improves mood and feeling of well-being since physical exercise makes a person feel more relaxed.
  4. Improves muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory fitness.
  5. Helps to control blood sugar and improves HDL and other blood lipids.
  6. Improves sleep.
  7. Is enjoyable especially when done with friends or in groups.
A simple brisk walk daily for 45 mins is a great way to start a healthy lifestyle. 

Nutrition & Health

"A Well Balanced Diet is the Key to A Well Balanced Life"

Food is a necessity of life and its use is a skill and science.
Whereas Nutrition is the science of utilization of food in the body for health and well-being.

And nutritious food is that which fulfills the primary functions of the food. 
It provides sufficient energy and essential nutrients, helps in maintaining all biological processes of the body, maintains body weight and protects us from invasion of any harmful microorganisms and onset of any disease.

Nutrients are classified into six classes namely carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, minerals, vitamins & water. But today we will only discuss the macro-nutrients which are listed below :-

CARBOHYDRATES :- Dietary carbohydrates are broken down into smaller units, generally 'glucose' in the alimentary canal. Glucose circulates through the blood and reaches the cells & tissues to release energy that is used for physical & metabolic activities. Cereals, pulses, sugar, milk & fruits are rich sources of carbohydrates whereas animal tissues contain very small amounts.

PROTEINS :- Proteins and amino acids are required to form proteins, hormones, enzymes, cells, tissues, organs. A wide variety of protein molecules is used to build and maintain the body structure and to regulate body processes. Dietary protein also provides energy. Meat, Fish, poultry, egg, milk & milk products,, pulses/legumes & nuts as well as cereals are sources of protein.

LIPIDS :- Lipids/Fats are substances present in the body such as triglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipids & fatty acids. Lipids/Fats is obtained from dietary fats and oils like butter, ghee, groundnut/sunflower/safflower oil, etc. Besides supplying energy, lipids are carriers of fat soluble vitamins, are precursors for synthesis of hormones and structural material for cell membranes.

Good Nutrition implies optimal intake of energy & other nutrients in accordance with the individual's requirements. Such a person is said to be well nourished. However, across the world, we find masses of people who do not have adequate food or even two meals a day. There are many whose diet lack one or more nutrients or some consume more than required. All of these situations have adverse impacts on the human body & health.


HEALTH :- Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It is a sum total of the supply and utilization of food and nutrients for the soul, mind and body.

  • Good nutrition has a preventive role and promotes good health and well being in multidimensional ways :-
  1. To maintain body weight appropriate for height, age, and sex
  2. To maintain muscle mass
  3. To remain mentally alert and active
  4. To be energetic & active
  5. To provide resistance to infection
  6. To help cope with stress
  7. To decrease risk of disability
  8. To prevent illness
  9. To alter the course of illness
  10. To increase longevity
  11. To perform better and increase productivity
  12. To improve the social and economic status
  13. To improve the overall quality of life