FOOD PYRAMID - A food guide to a healthier YOU!
- The National Institute of Nutrition, India made recommendations in 2003 in the form of steps or a ladder, signifying the steps to good health.
- This has been recently revised in 2010, with the recommendations being depicted as a pyramid with four bands. The shape of the pyramid is deliberately used to easily convey, which foods should be given more emphasis.
- The base of the pyramid is largest and hence those foods near the base should constitute a larger portion in our diets. The tip of the pyramid is narrow and hence foods close to the pyramid should be sparingly used.
- Foods shown at the base - "CEREALS & PULSES" are to be included in larger amounts and form the base of a well balanced diet - "EAT ADEQUATELY". This provides the maximum amount nutrients like energy, proteins, certain vitamins, minerals and fiber required in the diet.
- Foods shown in the second band - "VEGETABLES & FRUITS" indicate "EAT LIBERALLY" as they are good sources of fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, which are essential for good health but low in fat.
- Foods represented in the third band are protein rich foods which include - "NON-VEG & DAIRY PRODUCTS". They should be "EATEN MODERATELY". Vegetarians can select pulses and non-vegetarians can choose egg, meat,fish. Besides protein, non-vegetarian foods are rich in iron, cholesterol and different kinds of fatty acids. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and consumption of fish 2-3 times a week is healthy.
- Foods shown at the top indicate "USE SPARINGLY". Narrow size of this band clearly indicates the importance of caution in food selection and the amount of food consumption. This group includes fats, oils, sugars and sweets as well as processed foods, ready to eat snacks, etc.
Special highlights of the pyramid is the bottom most, and the most important aspect of health and well-being - "DAILY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY". The benefits of exercise are :-
- Helps a person spend energy consumed and therefore maintain body weight.
- Helps to prevent and manage diseases like hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and even in certain types of cancers.
- Improves mood and feeling of well-being since physical exercise makes a person feel more relaxed.
- Improves muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory fitness.
- Helps to control blood sugar and improves HDL and other blood lipids.
- Improves sleep.
- Is enjoyable especially when done with friends or in groups.
A simple brisk walk daily for 45 mins is a great way to start a healthy lifestyle.
Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on food for stomach health