Wednesday, 25 March 2015

8 Eating Habits which may lead to OBESITY!

One in every two adults in the united states is overweight and the prevalence of obesity is increasing all over the world.  Obesity is due to positive energy balance, the intake of calories is more than the expenditure of energy. Obesity invites disability, disease and premature death. 

We will understand some Common Causes of Obesity and Ways to Deal with it.

Nibbling between Meals is common and is a potential cause for obesity.

Neurotransmitters or chemicals in the brain that respond to outside stimuli such as sight, taste, smell & temperature transmit signals to other areas of the brain and body. Obese respond to external cues to eat rather than internal hunger signals. They eat when it is mealtime or when they are surrounded by tasty foods instead when they are hungry.

People who like to eat processed, concentrated & high fat food are susceptible to obesity.

Consumption of Sugar added beverages may contribute to weight gain.

People who eat more junk food (high fat, high calorie) may become obese.

People who eat outside home more frequently are prone to obesity. Large portions of food served outside the home promote high calorie consumption.

Some may eat more food when they are unhappy as a compensation mechanism.  

Non-inclusion of fruits & vegetables and more of non-vegetarian diet favors weight gain.

  • All these habits combined together for prolonged period of time, can cause serious health issues. 
So What do we do?
Always remember,
Where there is a will, there is a way! :)

Some Quick Tips:-

  • Make your eating schedule like you make your work schedule. Eat on Time!
  • Kick-start your every day with a good healthy and balanced breakfast. Remember you are breaking your 8 hours fast. So skipping it will mess up your entire day's diet.
  • If you have junk food cravings, or you travel a lot or stay outside for longer time, carry your own food rather than binging on outside junk food. Plan your day's diet in advance so you know what to carry and all the preparations required.
  • If you stay home, prepare healthy snacks rather than consuming junk & processed items.
  • Replace your high calorie beverages with healthy fresh fruits juices/ice tea/green tea/lemon water/coconut water/etc.
  • Include a lot of vegetables and fruits in your diet. Increasing fibre of your diet will help you lose weight. 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables should be consumed everyday.
  • Exercise and let out all your negative emotions. Exercise not only burns your extra fat but also makes you feel refreshed & energized. A daily dose of 30 mins brisk walking is a great way for physical exercise.
  • Lastly, Be happy!
    Stress is considered to be one of the leading causes of various diseases.

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